Hello there, we’re Fireproof Games, a 100% independent games studio based in Guildford, UK. We’re very excited to reveal our upcoming VR game GHOST TOWN, a single-player puzzle adventure coming soon for Meta Quest, Steam VR & PSVR2!

Set in London, 1983, players will step into the boots of Edith Penrose, a ghost hunter busy exorcising her way through the city’s restless spirits. But after her brother goes missing Edith must draw upon her wits & supernatural talents to unravel the mystery. Check out the game page for more info, screenshots and teaser trailer and wishlist now on MetaQuestSteam VR and PSVR2


We’re best known for The Room game series, the multi award winning puzzle games which first appeared on mobile in 2012 and have since made their way onto PC, console & virtual reality headsets. We’ve had something spooky brewing for a while now, so stay tuned over the next few days!

Creators of The Room game series

As gamers ourselves we strive to make unique games that delight and inspire; games which we want to play. Fireproof Games may be a small studio, but we believe in delivering experiences which punch above our weight and feel as polished as any AAA game. We think the player (hopefully that means you!) is of primary importance and we place their enjoyment at the centre of everything we do. When developing our games we carefully refine the design, graphics, gameplay & audio to create a highly polished player-focused experience from the first moment to the last. You can find out more about our approach to creating our games here.

The Room tile      The Room Two tile      The Room Three tile

The Room 4: Old Sins tile      The Room VR: A Dark Matter tile      The Making Of tile

Here on our website you can find info about all five games in The Room series, help pages if you’re stuck or encountered a problem with any of the games, artwork & theme music to use on your device, papercraft recreations of in-game objects from The Room and Press Kits for each of our games containing all the logos, artwork & screenshots you could ever possibly need! If you’re interested in how we make our games then take a look at the extensive Making Of galleries for each of our games featuring the inspirations, early sketches and work-in-progress images. You can also explore our merchandise store, including official t-shirts featuring exclusive designs taken from The Room games.


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  1. Ghost Town at the VR Showcase!

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  3. Something spooky...

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  • “You can’t help but marvel at a developer that absolutely understands the platform they are designing for”
