1. Omega Agent in Polygon's VR Feature

    "Even the ordinary aspects of game creation are made mind-bendingly weirder when you’re developing in virtual reality" - we speak to @Polygon about VR & making Omega Agent, read all about it right here.

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  2. Building an Open World in VR

    Gamasutra have posted an interview with Fireproof Games's Commercial Director, Barry Meade about the challenges involved in creating open world games in VR, and the measures we took to enable players to have an enjoyable experience. You can read it by clicking here.

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  3. Polygon Plays Omega Agent

    We were very pleased to hear that Ben Kuchera, from esteemed gaming website Polygon, took to the skies of Omega Island recently and described Omega Agent as "one of the best virtual reality experiences I've ever had, on any platform."

    You can read the full article here.

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  4. The Room one of the 25 Best Puzzle Games Ever Made

    The folks at Rock, Paper, Shotgun have compiled their list of the 25 Best Puzzle Games Ever Made, and we're chuffed to see The Room at #23!

    “Where it shines the brightest in how it handles complexity. Rather than being difficult, The Room instead opts for involved. You don’t tend to get stuck – you just have lots and lots to do, always feeling like you’re progressing, making smart discoveries, and solving, solving, solving.”

    You can read all about their thoughts about The Room, and check out what made it to the top of their list right here.

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  5. We have a new website!

    Hello there and welcome to Fireproof’s all-new website! If you’re a fan of our games, a member of the press or just a curious gamer, we hope you find this place a great source of information. If not, or if you have any suggestions in how we could improve the site, please let us know.

    Information about all our games can be found here, and further goodies can be gleaned from our Downloads page. There you'll find shiny new wallpapers for your devices featuring artwork from all our games, the theme music from The Room & Omega Agent, and a Press Kit for each of our games containing logos, artwork & screenshots.

    To keep up-to-date with all things Fireproof please follow us on Twitter and like the hell out of us on Facebook.

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